Measuring and modelling mountain glaciers and ice caps in a changing climate (M³OCCA)

The changing cli­mate condi­tions signif­icant­ly im­pact the glaci­er worldwide. The accu­rate quan­tifica­tion of the cur­rent glaci­er varia­tions as well as the mod­elling of the fur­ther glaci­er evolu­tion is cur­rently lim­ited by vari­ous uncer­tainties. The Inter­na­tional Doc­torate Pro­gram aims at de­velop­ing en­hanced and new meth­ods to better meas­ure and model glaci­er varia­tions, by means of an inter­disci­pli­nary ap­proach.

The International Doctorate Program at a glance

Duration of studyfour years
Place of studyErlangen-Nuremberg, Munich
Admission requirementsMaster's degree in natural sciences or technology
Application deadline01.03.2022
Apply now
HeadgProf. Dr. Matthias Braun
CoordinatorFranziska Tamme
Contact the coordinator
Further informationWebsite M³OCCA

Interdisciplinary glaciology

The Inter­na­tional Doc­torate Pro­gram will sub­stan­tially con­trib­ute to im­prov­ing our ob­serva­tion and meas­ure­ment capa­bili­ties of moun­tain glaci­ers and ice caps by creat­ing a unique inter- and trans-discipli­nary re­search and train­ing plat­form. The Inter­na­tional Doc­torate Pro­gram is a col­la­bora­tion of scien­tists from geog­raphy, geol­ogy, geo­phys­ics, com­puter sci­ences, elec­trical engi­neer­ing and math­emat­ics.

The­mati­cally, we will ad­dress main uncer­tainties of cur­rent meas­ure­ments in glaci­ology and per­mafrost by de­velop­ing new in­stru­ments and future analy­sis tech­niques as well as by con­sider­ably ad­vanc­ing geo­physi­cal mod­els.

The Inter­na­tional Doc­torate Pro­gram will have a strong com­po­nent of evolv­ing tech­niques in the field of deep learn­ing and artifi­cial intel­li­gence in order to effi­cient­ly ana­lyse the expo­nentially in­creas­ing data flow from Earth Ob­serva­tion, and to assure the inte­gra­tion into mod­elling. With­in the Inter­na­tional Doc­torate Pro­gram we com­bine cut­ting edge tech­nolo­gies with cli­mate re­search.

Prof. Dr. Matthias Braun during field research in Greenland.

The IDP provides an interdisciplinary education from natural sciences and engineering. It aims at the analysis of big data in combination with field studies as well as the assimilation into geophysical models in the context of global glacier changes.

Prof. Dr. Matthias Braun

We will de­velop future tech­nolo­gies and trans­fer knowledge from other disci­plines into cli­mate and glaci­er re­search. The Inter­na­tional Doc­torate Pro­gram aims at edu­cating emerging tal­ents with an inter­disci­pli­nary vision as well as excel­lent tech­nical and soft skills. Our doc­toral re­searchers will be guid­ed by inter­disci­pli­nary, inter­na­tional teams com­pris­ing uni­versi­ty pro­fes­sors, senior scien­tists and emerging tal­ents from the partic­ipat­ing uni­versi­ties and exter­nal re­search organ­iza­tions.

Snippets of the program

AI-Newcomer Award 2023

On April 26th, ten young re­searchers, in­clud­ing Nora Gourmelon from the Inter­na­tional Doc­torate Pro­gram M³OCCA, re­ceived the AI-Newcomer Award 2023 at the AI Camp.

Read the report

Four people standing side by side in front of a beamer projection. In the middle, two young females hold certificates in their hands.