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German Data Science Days 2020

The Ger­man Data Sci­ence Days (GDSD) took place from 18 to 19 Feb­ruary 2020 at Lud­wig Max­imili­an Uni­versi­ty Mu­nich. Ex­perts from indus­try, busi­ness, and sci­ence pre­sent­ed inter­esting lec­tures on cur­rent topics and ques­tions in the field of data sci­ence. The 300 partic­ipants had the op­por­tunity to ex­change ide­as and estab­lish net­works.

Sharing expert knowledge and discussing developments and ideas

The in­for­mation age, digi­taliza­tion, indus­try 4.0, and big data are just a few of the cur­rently prom­inent buzzwords. Data are be­com­ing in­creas­ingly im­portant, and so is data sci­ence, the sci­ence of ex­tract­ing useful in­for­mation and knowledge from data. Data Sci­ence plays an im­portant role in sci­ence, indus­try, and busi­ness, and close coop­era­tion be­tween all areas is neces­sary. For this, the Ger­man Data Sci­ence Days (GDSD) offer the ideal plat­form. They bring to­gether data scien­tists from vari­ous fields and create a fo­rum of users for users and of ex­perts for ex­perts.

The GDSD 2020 took place at Lud­wig Max­imili­an Uni­versi­ty (LMU) Mu­nich from 18 to 19 Feb­ruary 2020. In eight ses­sions on dif­ferent topics (e.g. data sci­ence in medi­cine; data sci­ence and the inter­net of things; data sci­ence and data eth­ics), data scien­tists from indus­try, busi­ness, and sci­ence pre­sent­ed new de­velopments in the vari­ous fields and shared their knowledge and exper­tise. Dur­ing the breaks, the 300 partic­ipants had the op­por­tunity to inter­act, net­work, and ex­change in­for­mation and ide­as.

The Ger­man Data Sci­ence Days, which have been held annu­ally since 2018, are orga­nized by the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Data Science” at LMU Mu­nich in coop­era­tion with the Ger­man Asso­cia­tion of Actu­aries (DAV) and the Ger­man Data Sci­ence Socie­ty (GDS e.V.).

Text: Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram "Data Sci­ence“