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Ten mem­bers of the Elite Net­work at the Sum­mer Re­cep­tion of the Ba­varian State Par­lia­ment in Schleißheim Palace

On Tues­day, July 19, the Presi­dent of the Ba­varian State Par­lia­ment, Ilse Aign­er, invit­ed more than 3,000 guests to the sum­mer recep­tion of the Ba­varian State Par­lia­ment at the New Schleißheim Palace - in­clud­ing ten mem­bers of the Elite Net­work. High-ranking repre­senta­tives from poli­tics, cul­ture, the church and sports also took part in the sum­mer party, which is dedi­cated to citi­zens en­gaged in volun­tary work in Ba­varia.

Under a bright blue sky, the event was opened by the Schleißheim Schlosspfeiffern, after which the guests were able to meet the host per­sonal­ly to Ba­vari­an-Bo­hemi­an brass mu­sic.

In addi­tion, there was still enough time to meet old ac­quaintances and make new con­tacts in front of the pic­turesque back­drop of the castle park. The color­ful audi­ence - with dif­ferent dia­lects and uni­forms - was of­fered an equal­ly di­verse culi­nary selec­tion after the ad­dress. In the pro­cess, eve­ryone could expe­rience the re­gional spe­cial­ties of the Ba­varian ad­minis­trative dis­tricts for them­selves.

Even though the partic­ipants of the Elite Net­work did not win a grand prize in the sub­se­quent raffle for the bene­fit of “Sternstunden”, the invita­tion to the sum­mer recep­tion was an en­riching ex­peri­ence.

Many thanks to the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia and the Ba­varian Par­lia­ment for this un­for­getta­ble even­ing.

Text: Clara Wen­zel