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Joint workshop of IKFG and SDAC

The Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Standards of Deci­si­on-Mak­ing across Cul­tures“ at the Uni­versity of Erlan­gen-Nurem­berg stands out with its highly ad­vanced aca­demic level of educa­tion with focus on meth­odo­logical knowledge and skills re­garding de­cision-making pro­cesses in East Asia. A high­light in the sum­mer semes­ter 2019 was the joint work­shop with IKGF. The aim of the work­shop was to focus on the com­plexity of the term “deci­si­on-mak­ing” and ex­plore its varia­ble usage across the disci­plines. 

Knowledge exchange and new perspectives

To gain a better under­stand­ing of deci­si­on-mak­ing and the differ­ent per­spec­tives, SDAC decid­ed to host a work­shop titled “Re­think­ing Inter­disci­plinary Ap­proaches to Deci­si­on-Mak­ing: Choice, Cul­ture, and Con­text” to­gether with the Inter­na­tional Con­sorti­um for Re­search in the Hu­mani­ties.

By draw­ing from the IKGF’s com­pre­hen­sive expe­rience in study­ing issues related to modes of prog­nosti­cation and forms of goal-oriented behav­ior, as well as relat­ing them to SDAC’s dif­ferent disci­plinary ap­proaches to deci­si­on-mak­ing, the work­shop pro­vided an envi­ron­ment to ex­change knowledge and of­fered new per­spec­tives for the partic­ipants.

A high­light was the key­note lecture by Prof. Joa­chim Gentz (Uni­versity of Edin­burgh) on “Founda­tions of Deci­si­on-Mak­ing: Liber­ties, Liabil­ities, and Lies” as well as the final dis­cussion about deci­si­on-mak­ing theo­ries with all partic­ipants.

Facing the challenge: joint book project

Inspired by the work­shop and the dis­cov­ered lack of trans­disci­plinary theo­ries and litera­ture about deci­si­on-mak­ing, the work­shop partic­ipants further agreed to work to­gether on a joint book project intro­ducing and com­bining differ­ent theo­retical ap­proaches.

Text: Elite Graduate Program "Standards of Decision-Making Across Cultures"