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Inspired by founding spirit

In Regensburg they are neighbours - the university and the innovation and start-up centre TechBase. It's a good relationship: scientists research the basics, founders realize the tangible. However, this fruitful partnership between founders and scientists can only come about through mutual encounters. That is why doctoral students of the International Doctoral Program "Evi­dence-Based Econo­mics" visited TechBase on December 19, 2019 at the invitation of TechBase CEO Dr. Alexander Rupprecht.

Presentations by researchers and entrepreneurs

At the beginning of the "Field Day" organized by Prof. Andreas Roider (University of Re­gens­burg and EBE-Scientific-Council member), Claudia Hofmann -Project Man­ager at TechBase - presented the "Digital Founder Initiative Oberpfalz" to the PhD students. This initiative of the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional De­velop­ment and Energy supports start-up projects in the region, qualifies founders and builds bridges between established en­tre­pre­neurs and start-ups. A central component of this initiative is the TechBase building, which is close to the university and provides in­no­va­tive founders with office and work­space at reduced rates after a careful selection process.

Afterwards, Prof. Roider discussed the main research topics and the establishment of the International Doctorate Program "Evidence-Based Economics" funded by the Elite Network of Bavaria. Thus, many of the doc­to­ral students are working on advanced sta­tis­ti­cal methods and on the question of how companies can function more ef­fect­ive­ly. Both are areas that are part­i­cu­lar­ly important for founders.

Getting to know the start-up world

Dr. Alexander Rupprecht then invited the doctoral students to explore TechBase together. He gave the guests exciting insights behind the scenes, led them to ultra-modern work­rooms, explained the function of a 3D printer and the sophisticated office concept of TechBase.

Finally, the EBE doctoral students had the opportunity to talk to three founders in person. "Byteschmiede" deals, for example, with the improved processing of data that ac­cu­mu­lates in hospitals and thus wants to contribute to a more precise execution of scientific studies. In online shops, "8Select" hopes to combine human recommendations for pro­ducts with those of machine learning. And "brainjo" aims to rethink brain exercising.

The doctoral students were impressed by the entrepreneurial spirit they experienced, the innovative power at the TechBase Re­gens­burg and the exchange opportunities that can arise between entrepreneurs and researchers. After all these impressions, the doctoral students around Prof. Dr. Andreas Roider said goodbye to TechBase and con­clu­ded the day with a visit to the Christmas market in Regensburg.

Text: Matthias Scherr, International Doctorate Program „Evidence-Based Economics”