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Open­ing of the Inter­na­tional Doc­torate Pro­gram "Rethinking Environment"

On Octo­ber 28, 2021, the ENB-funded Inter­na­tional Doc­torate Pro­gram "Rethinking Environment" had its open­ing cere­mony at the Uni­versi­ty of Augsburg. PhD stu­dents, su­pervi­sors, and the presi­dent of the spon­soring uni­versi­ty of Augsburg were all pre­sent. Horn player Abi­gail Sand­ers pro­vided the artis­tic prel­ude. Coor­dina­tor Dr. Kirsten Twelbeck led through the pro­gram.

Transformation and environmental research

For the 20 inter­na­tional doc­toral re­searchers and their 20 pro­ject su­pervi­sors the open­ing cere­mony of the Inter­na­tional Doc­torate Pro­gram "Re­think­ing Envi­ron­ment” in the beau­tiful Law Lec­ture Hall at the Uni­versi­ty of Augsburg was the first op­por­tunity to final­ly meet in per­son. The hu­mani­ties and social sci­en­ces-oriented col­lege is a coop­era­tion be­tween the Uni­versi­ty of Augsburg and the Lud­wig Max­imili­ans Uni­versi­ty of Mu­nich (LMU) and spe­cifi­cally uses the envi­ron­men­tal ex­per­tise of both loca­tions.

The Presi­dent of the Uni­versi­ty of Augsburg, Prof. Dr. Sab­ine Dö­ring-Man­teuf­fel, em­phasized the im­portance of the Envi­ron­men­tal Hu­mani­ties for fu­tu­re-ori­ented envi­ron­men­tal re­search at the Uni­versi­ty of Augsburg in her very per­sonal greet­ing. Prof. Dr. Chris­tof Mauch, who as direc­tor of the Ra­chel Car­son Cen­ter also repre­sent­ed the LMU as Inter­na­tional Doc­torate Pro­gram cor­pora­tion part­ner, un­der­scored the im­men­se and hope­ful po­ten­tial of envi­ron­men­tal re­search in the hu­mani­ties and social sci­ences. The spokesper­sons for the pro­gram, hu­man geog­rapher Prof. Dr. Mat­thias Schmidt (Augsburg) and histo­rian PD Dr. Simone Mül­ler (Mu­nich), em­phasized the great intel­lectu­al, social and per­sonal bene­fits and the pro­fes­sional op­por­tuni­ties that the Inter­na­tional Doc­torate Pro­gram "Rethinking Environment" offers young doc­toral stu­dents. Prof. Dr. Hu­bert Zapf, American­ist and founder of the "Cul­tural Ecol­ogy" ap­proach, re­viewed the excit­ing histo­ry of this ex­traor­dinar­ily inter­disci­pli­nary pro­gram. All speakers em­phasized that the inter­disci­pli­nary and trans­disci­pli­nary orien­tation of the Inter­na­tional Doc­torate Pro­gram was an ideal envi­ron­ment for de­veloping inno­vative ideas for build­ing eco­logi­cally sus­taina­ble socie­ties.

Developing ideas together

The event of­fered plenty of op­por­tunity for net­work­ing and an initial ex­change of ideas. Fol­low­ing the speeches, the doc­toral re­searchers them­selves took the op­por­tunity to pre­sent them­selves and their pro­jects. Al­ter­nating with their su­pervi­sors, they ex­plained their indi­vidual and sub­ject-specific moti­vation for taking part in the Inter­na­tional Doc­torate Pro­gram "Re-Thinking Envi­ron­ment". A fore­taste of the role of art and cul­ture, which the Inter­na­tional Doc­torate Pro­gram inves­ti­gates in many of its sub-projects, was of­fered by the con­tribu­tion of the horn player Abi­gail Sand­ers. Her re­cord­ings of whale songs, tran­scribed into musi­cal nota­tion, were a prem­iere; the short lec­ture that fol­lowed high­light­ed the philo­soph­ical and tech­nical di­men­sions of this crea­tive ex­change be­tween hu­mans and ma­rine mammals. Af­ter­wards, a ve­gan-vegetari­an buffet pro­vided for the phys­ical well-being of the guests.


Text: Laura Bondl, Kirsten Twelbeck Inter­na­tional Doc­torate Pro­gram “Rethinking Environment”(Envi­ron­men­tal Sci­ence Cen­ter Augsburg)