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New coat of paint for the Max Weber Program logo

For al­most ten years the Max We­ber Pro­gram (MWP) has had its own logo. It was de­signed in 2015 – close­ly based on the brand labels of the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia and the Ger­man Aca­demic Scholarship Foun­da­tion. Now that the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia has intro­duced its new logo in 2022, the MWP logo is also get­ting a new coat of paint.

Blue-grey loz­enges and a two-line letter­ing in the same colors – that is what makes up the brand label of the Max We­ber Pro­gram. The MWP logo was de­veloped in 2015, ten years after the spon­sor­ship pro­gram was founded and coin­ciding with the intro­duc­tion of a new em­blem for the Ger­man Aca­demic Scholarship Foun­da­tion.

Then as now, the logo of the Max We­ber Pro­gram close­ly fol­lows the cor­porate de­sign of the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia and the Ger­man Aca­demic Scholarship Foun­da­tion. Thus, the insti­tu­tional an­chor­ing of the Max We­ber Pro­gram is re­flect­ed in its brand label: As one of the five fund­ing lines in the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia, the Max We­ber Pro­gram is fi­nanced by the Free State of Ba­varia, which has trans­ferred the im­ple­men­tation of the pro­gram to the Ger­man Aca­demic Scholarship Foun­da­tion. Thus, the two mir­roring loz­enges that con­tinue to form the core of the logo not only reveal Max We­ber's ini­tials as the pro­gram's namesake, but are also a strong recognition signal for the Free State of Ba­varia. The letter­ing of the Max We­ber logo also con­tinues to pick up the brand font of the Ger­man Aca­demic Scholarship Foun­da­tion. In terms of color, the brand gray of the Ger­man Aca­demic Scholarship Foun­dation re­mains in the MWP logo. How­ever, it is now ac­com­panied by a deep blue, which brings the Max We­ber Pro­gram's logo closer to the Elite Net­work as the um­brella or­gani­zation for state sup­port for gifted stu­dents in the Free State of Ba­varia.

In 2022, the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia intro­duced its mod­ernized brand label: in­ter­wo­ven loz­enges in light and dark blue. The dark blue tone of this logo, the new brand blue of the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia, has now been taken up by the Max We­ber Pro­gram in its own logo.

Text: German Academic Scholarship Foundation & Coordination Office of the Elite Network of Bavaria