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Master project at the Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø

Marie Reischke spent half a year in Trom­sø, Nor­way, work­ing on her pro­ject for her mas­ter thesis. Thanks to the sup­port of the ERASMUS pro­gram and the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia, she was able to work on an excit­ing pro­ject in the Ultra­sound and Op­tics group at the Arctic Uni­versi­ty of Nor­way and expe­rience eve­ryday life above the Arctic Circle in winter and sum­mer. The fol­low­ing is a re­port on her expe­rience.

The work on the project

As an opti­cal tech­nolo­gy stu­dent, I was thrilled that I had the chance to de­sign and fabri­cate a dif­frac­tive opti­cal ele­ment for mi­cros­copy as my mas­ter pro­ject. I had the op­por­tunity to gain hands on expe­rience on opti­cal com­po­nent de­sign, litho­graph­ic fabri­cation tech­nolo­gies, and work in a clean­room envi­ron­ment. With regu­lar meet­ings in the Ultra­sound and Op­tics group and with my su­pervi­sor I could learn a lot on the topic and other fasci­nating re­search.

Tromsø for half a year

As I ar­rived in win­ter, I got to see the winter won­der­land north­ern Nor­way be­comes dur­ing this time and I was trying out skiing and snow­shoe hik­ing. In sum­mer there are great op­por­tuni­ties for hiking and cy­cling. The city of Trom­sø is also a very social city with lots of stu­dents, which made it easy to get to know new peo­ple next to the very friendly and wel­com­ing peo­ple of the re­search group. One of the strangest but most fasci­nating ex-pe­rienc­es living in north­ern Nor­way is that in winter there is al­most no sun­light while in sum­mer the sun doesn’t set at all, creat­ing a unique sea­sonal life.

Text: Marie Reischke, Elite Graduate Program "Advanced Optical Technologies"