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Istria in Transition

Not only theoretical analysis of Eastern Europe, but practical research in situ: that is the aim of the Elite Graduate Program in East European Studies. The annual two-week long summer school is a key part of the program. In 2018 the students explored Istria.

International cooperation with the University of Rijeka

The first week of the sum­mer school cen­tred on the sea. The title “Liq­uid City: Adri­atic Life Worlds in Trans­for­mation” guid­ed the stu­dents through the first week. To­gether with doc­toral stu­dents of the Grad­uate School for East­ern and South East­ern Euro­pean Stud­ies and local partic­ipants from the Uni­versi­ty of Rije­ka, they inves­tigat­ed the de­velopment of the Croa­tian port city of Rije­ka.

Each day began with a key­note lec­ture on one of the main topics of the sum­mer school by an inter­na­tional schol­ar. In the after­noons, stu­dents pur­sued their own small re­search pro­jects: What do the inhab­itants of Rijeka think about the city’s bid to be­come Euro­pean Capi­tal of Cul­ture 2020? Which lan­guages domi­nate the city­scape in the for­merly Italian and Hun­garian city?

Croatian, Slovenian and Italian Istria

In the second week, the students travelled through Istria and crossed several national borders. Starting in the Croatian city of Pula, they went to Koper in Slovenia and ended their journey in Italian Trieste. Using the methods of “sensual history”, the students experienced their research object first-hand. In keeping with the motto “Modernity and Identity in Istria”, they examined the legacy of the first cave explorers in Pazin and went out to sea with local fishermen to experience how modernization has changed this centuries-old craft.

As the summer school clearly showed, studying humanities and social sciences does not have to mean spending your days in archives and libraries.

Text: Elite Graduate Program "East European Studies"