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Internship at GIZ

GIZ is one of the lead­ing insti­tu­tions in Ger­many for in­tern­ship op­por­tuni­ties. Many stu­dents are inter­ested in GIZ in­tern­ship offers as they usual­ly com­bine work bal­ance with flexi­bility, hands-on learn­ing with com­mit­ment as well as agen­cy col­la­bora­tion with out­reach. Dur­ing her time at GIZ, San­dra Zim­mer­mann had the op­por­tunity to work on the Cli­mate Sector Pro­ject, which be­longs to the sector pro­ject called Glob­al Divi­sion for Cli­mate, Envi­ron­ment and Infra­struc­ture. This is one of the nu­mer­ous fields which are locat­ed at the GIZ. The dif­ferent sector pro­jects of the GIZ advise the Ger­man Fed­eral Minis­try for Eco­nomic Co­opera­tion and De­velopment (BMZ) for the Ger­man De­velopment Poli­cy.

Tasks and Projects

During her in­tern­ship, San­dra was re­spon­sible for dif­ferent tasks, focus­ing on the re­search topic of cli­mate main­streaming. With­in this topic, she re­viewed var­ious NDCs, cli­mate risk pro­files and cli­mate ener­gy part­ner­ships. Fur­ther­more, she con­duct­ed re­search for the BMZ on digi­taliza­tion and its asso­ciated car­bon foot­print and coun­try ener­gy mix. This re­search was done to advise the Minis­try on vari­ous policy posi­tions and pro­jects.

In addi­tion to this, San­dra has done re­search on stra­tegic cli­mate coop­era­tion and NDC part­ner­ships as part of the cli­mate main­streaming theme. Some ex­am­ples in­clude Rwanda, South Africa and India. Through this re­search, San­dra has been able to ana­lyze how best to inte­grate cli­mate con­sider­ations into pro­jects or de­velopment assis­tance within BMZ, main­ly in the ener­gy sec­tor. BMZ, BMWK and BMU then pro­vide fund­ing for spe­cific stra­tegic cli­mate coop­era­tions to push for­ward cli­mate pro­tec­tion and adap­tation, spe­cifi­cally in the ener­gy sec­tors of part­ner coun­tries.


Sandra has really en­joyed her time in the sector pro­ject. Not only was she given a lot of re­spon­sibil­ity, but she was also able to strengthen her team and her crea­tive prob­lem-solving skills. She would not only rec­om­mend her sec­tor, but GIZ as an insti­tution as a whole. In the fu­ture, San­dra will com­plete her stud­ies in the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram "Global Change Ecology" within the Elite Net­work by con­duct­ing re­search on the topic of the im­pact of ex­treme events on con­flict pre­dic­tion. Her inspi­ration for the topic comes from the course "Cli­mate Di­plomacy" taught by Prof. Dr. Char­lotte Streck at the Uni­versi­ty of Bay­reuth. Her re­search is su­pervised by Prof. Dr. Cyrus Samimi from the Uni­versi­ty of Bay­reuth to­gether with Dr. Bar­bora Sedo­va from the Pots­dam Insti­tute for Cli­mate Im­pact Re­search (PIK). In addi­tion, San­dra has al­ready been of­fered a PhD posi­tion at the Insti­tute and hopes to start this au­tumn.


Text: Alex Nadolny, Elite Graduate Program "Global Change Ecology"