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Max We­ber-Abend: “warm and open at­mosphere”

The MWP's wel­com­ing event took place online again this spring. More than 200 scholarship hold­ers ac­cept­ed the invi­ta­tion. They were wel­comed by the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia, the Max We­ber team, men­tors and the "We­ber*innen vor Ort". The par­tici­pants re­ceived in­for­mation about the scholarship pro­gram and had the op­por­tunity to get to know each other. Chris­tina Wittmann is study­ing busi­ness psy­chol­ogy in Is­man­ing and was ac­cept­ed into the MWP in April 2021.

Ms. Wittmann, what did you expect from the Max Weber-Abend?

I at­tend­ed the Max We­ber Even­ing be­cause I want­ed to learn more about the Max We­ber Pro­gram fund­ing and was curi­ous to meet the other new fel­lows.

What were your specific questions or concerns?

Since I would like to go abroad dur­ing my stud­ies, I was very pleased to learn that finan­cial sup­port for stays abroad is also of­fered by the Max We­ber Pro­gram.

How did you experience the digital welcoming evening?

Despite the online for­mat, the even­ing took place in a very cordi­al and open at­mosphere. After some gen­eral in­for­mation about the Max We­ber Pro­gram, we were to­gether in our re­gional groups, where com­mon online games made for a fun even­ing. Dur­ing the even­ing we had the op­por­tunity to meet many help­ful, inter­esting and open-minded peo­ple from dif­ferent fields and to ex­change ide­as.

What were your most important experiences at the Max Weber-Abend?

The Max We­ber Pro­gram is a per­sonal life en­rich­ment for me, as it gives you the op­por­tunity to grow per­sonal­ly and intel­lectu­ally be­yond your own nose, as well as to get to know spe­cial per­sonal­ities. The fel­low­ship opened up op­por­tuni­ties for me to meet peo­ple and have con­versa­tions that I would never have had oth­er­wise. In addi­tion, at the Max We­ber-Abend, you were moti­vated to be­come active one­self and to con­trib­ute your own ideas to the pro­gram.

What are you most looking forward to during your funding period?

During my spon­sor­ship peri­od, I am most look­ing for­ward to get­ting to know other fel­lows and to my per­sonal de­velopment, which is opti­mally sup­port­ed and ac­com­panied by the Max We­ber Pro­gram, from lan­guage courses to soft skill semi­nars.

Text: Christina Wittmann, Max Weber Program