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Guest lecture by Dr Cornel Klein

On 16 No­vem­ber 2023 Dr Cor­nel Klein (Sie­mens AG) gave a talk in the spe­cial lec­ture series of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Software Engi­neer­ing”. The topic of the talk were the chal­lenges and problems of de­velop­ing an au­tono­mous re­gional train. Dr Klein ex­plained the pro­ject safe.trAIn and how it con­trib­utes to the de­velopment of au­tono­mous trains.

Autonomous regional trains

Au­tono­mous trains are ap­peal­ing for dif­ferent rea­sons. First, they would allow more train traffic de­spite a lack of train driv­ers. But digiti­zation of train opera­tions also helps to re­duce costs and it ena­bles better ser­vice for cus­tomers.

But cur­rently au­tono­mous trains are only possi­ble in a very lim­ited area of appli­cation (e.g. un­der­ground rail­ways). To enable the use of au­tono­mous trains in regu­lar traf­fic, a lot of chal­lenges must be solved. One im­portant as­pect is object recognition, from the posi­tion of the tracks to the detec­tion of obsta­cles. For this prob­lem, ma­chine learn­ing is a pos­sible ap­proach, but the quali­ty assur­ance of AI-based sys­tems is a chal­lenge. To make such sys­tems relia­ble, a lot of work re­mains to be done.

Text: Elite Graduate Program "Software Engineering"