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A warm welcome to our new members

New to the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia? At the be­gin­ning, many find it diffi­cult to find their way around in view of the nu­mer­ous pro­grammes and offers. The Get To­gether on 11 No­vem­ber 2023 in the Au­dimax of the TU Mu­nich of­fered new mem­bers the op­por­tunity to get to know the Elite Net­work and each other.

Over 330 curi­ous new­com­ers to the Elite Net­work gath­ered at the TU Au­dimax on the after­noon of 11 No­vem­ber. Viktoria Rossi, alum­na of the Max We­ber Pro­gram, host­ed the event in an enter­taining man­ner. Min­isteri­al­rätin Frauke Pre­ißinger, Head of the Elite Net­work Coor­dina­tion Of­fice, began by warmly wel­com­ing the new­com­ers, gave a brief out­line of the histo­ry and aims of the Net­work, which now has around 3,950 active mem­bers and 11,000 alum­ni, and pre­sented the five fund­ing lines: Elite Grad­uate Pro­grams, In­terna­tional Doc­torate Pro­grams, Max We­ber Pro­gram, Mari­an­ne-Plehn-Pro­gram and Junior Re­search Groups. Even if the term 'elite' is no longer in fash­ion, Ms Pre­ißinger said that in sci­ence, as in sport, it is im­portant to pro­mote both the gen­eral public and top-level tal­ents. She en­couraged the audi­ence to utilise their tal­ents and use them for the com­mon good.

After this open­ing, some of our mem­bers of­fered in­sights into the vari­ous op­por­tuni­ties and events of­fered by the Elite Net­work. Borys Zubaryev, Lena Schorr, Éver­ton Souza da Silva, Juan Ma­nuel Cano Vila and Viktoria Rossi gave vivid ac­counts of their per­sonal expe­rienc­es at the Acad­emy for Polit­ical Edu­cation in Tutz­ing, at the Nobel Lau­reate Meet­ing in Lindau, at the Euro­Sci­ence Open Fo­rum in Lei­den, at the EliteCup and at last year's Elite Net­work grad­uation cere­mony in Augs­burg. Dr An­dreas Hen­drich from PRO­FiL pro­vided in­for­mation about the soft skills semi­nars on offer and Chris­toph Wild from the Coor­dina­tion Office gave a short intro­duc­tion to using the Communi­ty Por­tal.

New to the Elite Net­work, many mem­bers are still un­sure whether they want to pur­sue a career in sci­ence or in busi­ness. In order to pre­sent the op­por­tuni­ties and chal­lenges of both paths first-hand, two key­note speeches on the topic of "Ca­reers in aca­demia and econ­omy" fol­lowed in the sec­ond part of the event. Pro­fessor Oliver Rei­ser, head of the Inter­na­tional Doc­torate Pro­gram "Pho­to-Electro Ca­taly­sis: chem­ical catal­ysis with pho­tonic or elec­trical ener­gy input” and Artu­ro Bui­trago Mén­dez, alum­nus of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram "Honours De­gree in Tech­nolo­gy Man­age­ment" and co-founder of the start-up Knowron, shared their wealth of expe­rience with the new mem­bers and around 25 alum­ni, pro­vided fasci­nating in­sights into their ca­reers and an­swered ques­tions from the audi­ence.

Over an Asian buffet dinner and lounge mu­sic, the par­tici­pants were able to re­view what they had heard, talk to each other and 'net­work' - all in the spirit of the ENB.

Text: Coordination Office of the Elite Network of Bavaria