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Experience research abroad

An in­tern­ship abroad is an inte­gral part of the Mas­ter's pro­gram "Inte­grated Im­munology". Stu­dents are of­fered the op­por­tunity to work with re­nowned inter­na­tional scien­tists and build an inter­na­tional net­work. Katharina Knab, a 2020 grad­uate, re­ports on her expe­rienc­es at the Weizmann Insti­tute in Israel and the hur­dles she had to over­come due to the SARS-CoV-2 pan­dem­ic.

Welcome to the Weizmann Institute of Science

The prac­tical pro­ject work was my per­sonal high­light of the Mas­ter's pro­gram! A pro­fessor from our pro­gram initi­ated the con­tact for an in­tern­ship at Prof. Stef­fen Jung’s Lab at the Weizmann Insti­tute in Israel in spring 2019. This was the be­gin­ning of a scien­tifi­cally and cul­tural­ly im­pres­sive jour­ney for me. Sup­port­ed by the Mas­ter's pro­gram and the lab in Israel, I boarded the plane to Israel in No­vem­ber 2019 with a visa, Erasmus scholar­ship, and a place in a stu­dent apartment.

Once on site, I used the first two weeks to get to know the cul­tural treas­ures of Israel and to find my way around the insti­tute. Par­ticu­larly, the cam­pus of the Weizmann Insti­tute im­pressed me. There are beau­tiful green areas, vari­ous life sci­ence facili­ties, gyms and even a sci­ence park. My own stu­dent apartment on cam­pus was also only a few minutes away from the lab.

The Weizmann Insti­tute of Sci­ence is one of the world's lead­ing re­search in­stitu­tions. I was fortu­nate to attend sev­eral guest lec­tures by inter­na­tion­ally re­nowned guest speakers and even sev­eral mini-symposia. Such events pro­vided a great op­por­tunity to estab­lish inter­na­tional con­tacts and dis­cuss the latest re­search find­ings with each other in a re­laxed at­mosphere.

Much more than just an internship

On my first day, the inter­na­tional re­search group warmly wel­comed me. Eve­ryone took time to give me in­sights into their pro­jects. Dur­ing my daily work in the lab, I was able to ex­tend my scien­tific knowledge, prac­tice new tech­niques and gain hands-on ex­peri­ence, al­low­ing me to even start my own pro­ject. I really ap­preci­ated this coop­era­tive and wel­com­ing envi­ron­ment! In addi­tion, the week­ly group meet­ings and the regu­lar inter­nal re­treats helped me to delve deep­er into the sub­ject mat­ter.

When the planned three months of my in­tern­ship were about to end, I was of­fered an excit­ing pro­ject for my mas­ter's the­sis. Ex­cited by the team and the re­search top­ic, I de­cided to take this op­por­tunity and stay in Israel for six more months to study mac­rophages and their role in auto­im­mune dis­eases. How­ever, short­ly there­after, the first re­strictions oc­curred due to the Coro­na pan­dem­ic. When I want­ed to re-enter Israel after a short visit to Ger­many, I first had to spend two weeks in quar­antine in my stu­dent apartment. Dur­ing this time I was well cared for by friends, col­leagues and the Inter­na­tional Of­fice of the Weizmann Insti­tute. The pan­demic re­sulted in some re­strictions in my work and per­sonal life, but thanks to the sup­port of my col­leagues and the Insti­tute's Inter­na­tional Of­fice, I was able to suc­cess­fully com­plete my mas­ter's thesis pro­ject on time. With a Coro­na-compliant fare­well din­ner to­gether with the lab mem­bers, a few excit­ing months full of new expe­rienc­es came to an end.

Even after re­turn­ing to Ger­many, I am still in regu­lar con­tact with the lab to keep this coop­era­tion alive, also in my doc­toral the­sis. Alto­geth­er, my time in Israel was very en­light­ening. I ex­peri­enced how one of the glob­ally lead­ing labs in im­munology works, gained in­sights into scien­tific meth­od­ology and learned a lot about many cul­tures work­ing to­geth­er. I feel opti­mally pre­pared to built on my net­work and to estab­lish new inter­na­tional col­la­bora­tions dur­ing my doc­toral the­sis. Per­sonal­ly, the stay abroad was a very spe­cial expe­rience: I was able to dis­cover other cul­tures and ex­pand my per­sonal and scien­tific net­work, with whom I con­tinue to ex­change ide­as on a reg­ular basis.

Text: Elite­ Graduate Program "Integrated Immunology"