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20 Years of the Elite Graduate Program East European Studies

On 2 No­vem­ber 2023 the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “East Euro­pean Stud­ies” (LMU Mu­nich/Uni­versi­ty of Re­gens­burg) cele­brated its twen­tieth anni­ver­sary with a fes­tive event in the Great Hall of LMU Mu­nich. After an event for alum­ni, stu­dents and facul­ty in the after­noon, the public even­ing pro­gram fea­tured a pan­el dis­cussion, a lec­ture and a recep­tion with a con­cert.

Career perspectives

After the open­ing by the speaker of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “East Euro­pean Stud­ies”, Pro­fessor Mar­tin Schulze Wes­sel, grad­uates pre­sent­ed their pro­fes­sional expe­rienc­es in the­matic panels – not least to give cur­rent and future stu­dents an im­pres­sion of the breadth of career paths that for­mer stu­dents took. The­resa Weiß and Niklas Zim­mer­mann from the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung pro­vided in­sights into the world of media and jour­nal­ism. Marco Fieber and Se­bas­tian Schäffer then dis­cuss­ed NGOs and East Euro­pean poli­tics. The event con­clud­ed with a ses­sion on sci­ence and memory cul­ture with Monika Heinemann, Kris­tina Tolok and Da­mien Tri­coire.

The future of East European Studies

The even­ing pro­gram for the gen­eral public was very well at­tend­ed. The pro­gram kicked off with a panel of re­nowned ex­perts dis­cuss­ing the future of re­gional stud­ies in light of the Rus­sian attack on Ukraine in the panel dis­cussion "East­ern Euro­pean Stud­ies: From the End of Histo­ry to the Turn­ing Point". Jan Matti Doll­baum then gave a lec­ture on politi­cal par­ties in post-Soviet East­ern Eu­rope. He re­cently be­came head of the Junior Re­search Group "Mo­bilisa­tion and Rep­resen­tation under ad­verse condi­tions: Politi­cal par­ties in post-Soviet East­ern Eu­rope", fund­ed by the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia. The even­ing con­clud­ed in a fes­tive at­mosphere with a recep­tion and a con­cert by the band SchwarzKatz. Against the repre­senta­tive back­drop of LMU’s Great Hall, the event showed the rele­vance of East Euro­pean Stud­ies in the labor mar­ket and the public dis­course – even twen­ty years after their intro­duc­tion in Mu­nich and Re­gens­burg.

Text: Michelle Vivien Kettner, Elite Graduate Program East European Studies