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ASC students visit INTEL

IN­TEL invit­ed the stu­dents of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Ad­vanced Signal Pro­cess­ing and Communi­cati­ons Engi­neer­ing” to an excur­sion to Neu­bib­erg. There they had the op­por­tunity to visit labor­atories and get to know the latest tech­nolo­gies from the fields of ma­chine learn­ing and 5G.

Get to know the latest technologies

After their arrival at IN­TEL, the ASC stu­dents did a labor­atory tour. They were ex­plained and shown how com­puter chips are manu­fac­tured and what quali­ty standards they have to meet.

This was fol­lowed by a presentation of the main fields of tech­nolo­gy in which the com­pany is ac­tive. These in­clude areas such as Ma­chine Learning and 5G, both of which are key topics that also play an essen­tial role in the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram „Advanced Signal Processing and Communications Engineering“ (ASC). In this way, ASC stu­dents are pre­pared pre­cisely for fu­tu­re-ori­ented engi­neer­ing activi­ties, which has a posi­tive effect on their future career pro­spects.

Personal discussions with INTEL employees

In the after­noon, the stu­dents had the op­por­tunity to have per­sonal dis­cussions with IN­TEL em­ploy­ees. The stu­dents had the op­por­tunity to in­form them­selves about attrac­tive job op­por­tuni­ties after their stud­ies. In addi­tion, the stu­dents were also able to do an in­tern­ship dur­ing their stud­ies at IN­TEL in Neu­biberg or partic­ipate in re­search pro­jects.

Elite Graduate Program "Advanced Signal Processing and Communications Engineering"