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ASC-Forum 2023 – and the winners are …

It is a great chal­lenge for every scien­tist to pre­sent com­plex re­search results in an inter­esting way for ex­perts and a wider audi­ence alike. At the ASC Fo­rum, our stu­dents rise to this chal­lenge with a presentation and a poster exhi­bition. There is a prize for the best post­er.

Exchanging ideas, presenting research results

All stu­dents of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram "Ad­vanced Signal Pro­cess­ing and Communi­cati­ons Engi­neer­ing" have the op­por­tunity to pre­sent their re­search work to a wide audi­ence at the annu­al ASC-Fo­rum. A top-class jury of ex­perts first listens to the stu­dents' key­note speeches, which may last a max­imum of three minutes. At the sub­se­quent poster exhi­bition, the ex­perts and visi­tors can get a more de­tailed pic­ture of the pro­jects.

The event is also aimed at all other ASC stu­dents in order to gain an over­view of the cur­rent re­search situa­tion. The junior stu­dents can ex­change ide­as with the sen­iors and col­lect ideas for their own re­search work. Bach­elor stu­dents are also invit­ed to the fo­rum. They re­ceive in­for­mation about the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram and can con­vince them­selves of the exper­tise of the ASC stu­dents.

This year's ASC-Fo­rum Best-Poster-Award, which is en­dowed with 200 euros, went to Teena tom Dieck and Marc Hölle for the post­ers "To­wards a Bet­ter Un­der­stand­ing of PCA-Based Neu­ral Net­works for Audio Pro­cess­ing" and "Transfor­mer-Based Wavelet Trans­form for Neu­ral Image Com­pres­sion". The prize was awarded by the top-class jury con­sisting of Prof. Ralf Mül­ler (FAU-IDC), Prof. Georg Fisch­er (FAU-LTE) and Prof. Wolf­gang Gerstacker (FAU-IDC).

Text: Lena Borke-Weber, Coordinator Elite Graduate Program "Advanced Signal Processing and Communications Engineering“