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TopMath Alumni Speakers Series “Classical Verification of Quantum Learning”

The Top­Math Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram regu­larly in­vites cur­rent Top­Math stu­dents to its Alumni Speaker Series to give them an in­sight into their work and ca­reers after com­plet­ing their doc­torates. Dr. Mat­thi-as C. Caro, cur­rently a post­doc at Freie Uni­versi­tät Ber­lin, was invit­ed to give a lec­ture on "Clas­sical Veri­fica­tion of Quan­tum Learning".

Machine learning – A reliable black box?

In the past ten years, ma­chine learn­ing has taken the world by storm. This is partly due to high-profile events such as the Go matches be­tween Google DeepMind's Al­phaGo and Lee Sedol, one of the world's best Go play­ers, in 2016 – rem­inis­cent of the chess showdown be­tween Deep Blue and Garry Kas­parov in 1997. Since the ad­vent of ChatGPT, many peo­ple worldwide have been using a ma­chine learn­ing model in their daily lives. How­ever, from a us­er's per­spec­tive, such mod­els are often black boxes whose inter­nal work­ings are not trans­par­ent. The pro­cess through which these black boxes emerge – the train­ing of the model – re­quires such vast amounts of data and com­puting time that it is achievable for only a few com­panies glob­ally. This raises the ques­tion: Can the relia­bility of ma­chine learn­ing be veri­fied? Re­cent­ly, a work pro­vided a pos­itive an­swer to this ques­tion. Using an im­portant par­adigm from theo­retical com­puter sci­ence, known as Inter­active Proofs, they demonstrated within the framework of classi­cal learn­ing theory that veri­fying ma­chine learn­ing can be possi­ble with signif­icant­ly fewer re­sources than would be re­quired for actu­ally solv­ing the learn­ing prob­lem.

Classically verifiable quantum learning advantages

In con­trast to ma­chine learn­ing, which is al­ready of great im­portance today, quan­tum com­puters – com­puters that oper­ate based on the prin­ciples of quan­tum phys­ics – are, in many ways, still a thing of the fu­ture. How­ever, there are al­ready results in theo­retical com­puter sci­ence show­ing that quan­tum learn­ing algo­rithms, us­ing quan­tum data, can effi­cient­ly solve spe­cific classi­cally intrac­table learn­ing prob­lems. In addi­tion to the re­source re­quirements of ma­chine learn­ing, such quan­tum learn­ers would also rely on quan­tum com­put­ers, which, at least in the medi­um term, will only be acces­sible to a few. Thus, the ques­tion of verifi­cation be­comes even more press­ing. In the work, we build upon ideas, trans­late them into sce­narios in­volving quan­tum learn­ers, and iden­tify classi­cally hard learn­ing prob­lems that can be effi­cient­ly veri­fied by dele­gating them to a quan­tum learn­er. We see this as a the­oreti­cal foun­dation upon which a the­ory of quan­tum learn­ing with classi­cally verifi­able quan­tum ad­van­tages can be de­veloped.


Text: Dr. Matthias C. Caro, Alumnus Elite Graduate Program "TopMath"