RNAmed – Future Leaders in RNA-based Medicine

The Inter­na­tional Doc­torate Pro­gram “RNAmed – Fu­ture Lead­ers in RNA-based Medi­cine” equips PhD stu­dents with the knowledge and skills they need to launch a career in the rapid­ly evolv­ing field of RNA-based medi­cine. In terms of con­tent, RNAmed ranges from basic sci­ence to nucle­ic acid chem­istry and for­mula­tion to clini­cal re­search. In­terna­tional­ity and inter­disci­pli­narity as well as extra­cur­ricular activi­ties that con­trib­ute to the un­der­stand­ing of pre­clini­cal and clini­cal re­search are key fea­tures of RNAmed.

The International Doctorate Program at a glance

Duration of studyfour years
Place of studyWürzburg, Regensburg, Munich
Admission requirementsMaster's degree in the life sciences, chemistry, pharmacy or related disciplines
Application deadline31.03.2023
Apply now
HeadProf. Dr. Jörg Vogel
CoordinatorProf. Dr. Jörg Vogel
Contact the coordinator
Further informationWebsite "RNAmed"

Future leaders in RNA-based medicine

In recent years, sever­al new RNA-based thera­peu­tics have en­tered the mar­ket for the treat­ment of vari­ous dis­eases. With the ex­cep­tional­ly rapid de­velopment of RNA vac­cines to com­bat the SARS-CoV-2 pan­dem­ic, it has be­come clear that RNA has emerged as an im­portant class of mole­cules for the diag­nosis, pre­ven­tion, and treat­ment of dis­ease.

Through the grad­uate pro­gram "RNAmed - Fu­ture Lead­ers in RNA-based Medi­cine", fund­ed by the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia, we offer 11 fully fund­ed PhD posi­tions in Würzburg, Mu­nich or Re­gens­burg. At its core, RNAmed con­sists of a di­verse con­sorti­um of scien­tists from the fol­low­ing fields: RNA modi­fica­tion and deliv­ery, CRISPR-Cas, mi­croRNAs, non-coding RNAs, RNA biolo­gy of infec­tions, and RNA chem­istry.

RNAmed spokesperson Prof. Dr. Jörg Vogel

RNAmed pre­pares young scien­tists for inter­na­tion­ally-oriented ca­reers as re­searchers in aca­demia or indus­try, as entre­pre­neurs or as policy mak­ers in the broader area of RNA-based medi­cine.

Prof. Dr. Jörg Vogel

Mentors, conferences, summer schools, internships

Our PhD stu­dents will have the op­por­tunity to con­duct cut­ting-edge re­search com­bining the above exper­tise. An inter­disci­pli­nary com­mittee of inter­na­tional scien­tists guides and sup­ports PhD stu­dents throughout their doc­toral stud­ies. Struc­tured train­ing, in­clud­ing sum­mer schools, in­tern­ships in indus­try, work­shops on hard and soft skills, and the op­por­tunity to pre­sent one's re­search at inter­na­tional con­fer­ences com­plete the pro­gram.