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Focus on volunteering: the Bavarian State Parliament's Summer Reception

Around 3,500 guests cele­brated until late in the evening. The focus of the fes­tive event in the park of Schleißheim Palace was on volun­teers from all over Ba­varia: "This invita­tion, dear guests, is a small thank you for your great com­mit­ment!" em­pha­sised Ilse Aign­er, President of the Bavarian Parliament, in her speech. This year, the focus was on work with senior citi­zens.

This year, the Elite Net­work was once again able to send 10 par­ticu­larly dedicated mem­bers to the recep­tion. For Katharina Bau­er, John­ny Bonk, Maja Chaudhuri, Niko­las Krieger, Chris­tian Meißner, Sabri­na Ram­bach, Paul Soller, Simon Vel­ten, Paul Was­ser­mann and Julia Wiederrich the Summer Reception was a real high­light and a recognition of their volun­tary work. They are in­volved in a wide range of social and cul­tural activi­ties, in­clud­ing help­ing the elder­ly, in the areas of politi­cal edu­cation and inte­gra­tion, in stu­dent repre­senta­tion, men­toring at the uni­versi­ty and sup­port­ing chil­dren with learn­ing diffi­cul­ties.

Numerous highlights against a magnificent backdrop

In addi­tion to culi­nary de­lights, the event in­clud­ed a wel­come by the marching band "Schleißheimer Schlosspfeiffer", an open­ing speech by the Presi­dent of the Bavarian State Par­lia­ment Ilse Aign­er, musi­cal enter­tainment by the "Bay­er­ische Bür­ger­meis­ter­blaskapelle" and the MONaco Big Band, as well as stilt walk­ers, magi­cians and paper artists in the palace park.

Mem­bers of the Elite Net­work also had the op­por­tunity to en­gage in direct dia­logue with other volun­teers and high-ranking per­sonal­ities from the world of poli­tics, cul­ture and socie­ty. Nico­las Krieger is delighted after the event: "Last night was won­der­ful! Not only did we enjoy the great food, but we were also able to use the even­ing to ex­change ide­as with vari­ous mem­bers of the Ba­varian State Gov­ern­ment". Ma­ya Chaudhuri adds: "The Sum­mer Recep­tion was a won­derful event full of inspir­ing con­versa­tions, an im­pres­sive at­mosphere and a great back­drop. I am very grate­ful for the op­por­tunity to attend."

Click here for the event video "Summer Reception of the Bavarian State Parliament 2024" Sommerempfang des Bayerischen Landtags 2024

Text: Elite Network of Bavaria