
Get-togethers, soft-skill seminars, excursions, lecture series such as the inter­disciplinary series "Elite Network of Bavaria FORUM" and last but not least the graduation ceremony: The most important dates in the Elite Network of Bavaria can be found here.

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Feb 2024
As part of the third collo­quium of the Inter­na­tional Doc­torate Pro­gram “Re­think­ing En­vi­ron­ment”, the doc­toral stu­dents will pre­sent the cur­rent status of their re­search results to the team of col­leagues and su­pervi­sors.

Participation: Students of the International Doctorate Program “Re­think­ing Envi­ron­ment”
PhD student Lakshmi Dilipkumar presenting her current state of research at the IDK Colloquium 2023
Feb 2024
Bioinformatics Day
Join us for a Bioinformatics networking event on the HighTechCampus Martinsried. An informal symposium for young scientists interested to find out how Bioinformatics is being applied to biological and clinical questions in the Munich area.

Participation: Public|further information
Colorful Event Flyer on a black background
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