
Get-togethers, soft-skill seminars, excursions, lecture series such as the inter­disciplinary series "Elite Network of Bavaria FORUM" and last but not least the graduation ceremony: The most important dates in the Elite Network of Bavaria can be found here.

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Nov 2023
Guest lecture on „Engineering a Driverless Train“
Dr Cor­nel Klein from Sie­mens AG will give a talk in the spe­cial lec­ture series of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Software Engi­neer­ing”. The topic of the talk is "safe.trAIn – En­gi­neer­ing and As­surance of a Driv­erless Re­gional Train". The lec­ture will take place at the Uni­versi­ty of Augsburg in room 1055N.

Participation: Students of the Elite Graduate Program "Software Engineering"
Audience of a talk
Nov 2023
Get Together
We invite all new mem­bers to our ‘Get To­geth­er’ at the Au­dimax of the Tech­nical Uni­versi­ty of Mu­nich. Get­ting to know each other and the activi­ties of­fered by the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia is the major aim of this event.

Participation: All new members of the Elite Network of Bavaria
A young man and a young woman talking to each other in a lecture hall.
Oct 2023
Welcome to the kick-off
Our lec­turers, tutors and stu­dents from the older co­horts look for­ward to the 6th cohort of stu­dents. Our 24 new­com­ers will be warm­ly wel­comed at our Wel­come Event with intro­duc­tory lec­tures, a cam­pus walk and a get-together.

Partici­pa­tion: Mem­bers of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram "Inte­grated Im­munology"
Kick-off event 2022 – Students and Faculty after the campus walk
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