
Get-togethers, soft-skill seminars, excursions, lecture series such as the inter­disciplinary series "Elite Network of Bavaria FORUM" and last but not least the graduation ceremony: The most important dates in the Elite Network of Bavaria can be found here.

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Jul 2024
Call for applications - Elite Graduate Programs
The Elite Network of Bavaria is establishing new Elite Graduate Programs with a focus on natural sciences, mathematics, engineering and informatics at bavarian state and ecclesiastical universities. The deadline for the submission of a draft proposal is 31 July 2024.| Download the application documents
[Translate to English:] Detailaufnahme: Eine Hand schreibt mit einem Stift in einen Block.
Jul 2024
Responsible Research 2024
The grad­uate pro­grams of the Life Sci­ence Cam­pus Großhadern/Mar­tinsried to­gether with the Grad­uate­Cen­terLMU will jointly host an event on re­spon­sible con­duct in re­search. Mas­ter stu­dents, doc­toral can­di­dates, post­docs, senior scien­tists - all are wel­come! Regis­tra­tion is now open!!

Participation: Public|more information
[Translate to English:] Poster mit dem Text Responsible Research
Jul 2024
Current topics for the Master's thesis
Lec­turers from the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram Inte­grated Im­munology will pre­sent their cur­rent re­search ques­tions and in­form stu­dents about possi­ble pro­jects for their Mas­ter's thesis. Dis­cussions and net­work­ing op­por­tuni­ties are avail­able at the get-together after­wards.
iImmune students in the lab during their Master's thesis
Jul 2024
TopMath Alumni Speakers Series
Prof. Dr. Felix Die­trich from the Chair of Phys­ics-en­hanced Ma­chine Learning will talk about his cur­rent re­search as well as his career path and will af­ter­wards be avail­able for an in­for­mal dis­cussion.

Participation: Public|more information
Prof. Dr. Felix Dietrich
Jul 2024
Guest lecture "Wozu gibt es POs?"
Dr. Har­ald Störrle from QAware will give a talk in the spe­cial lec­ture series of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “Software Engi­neer­ing”. The topic of the talk is “Wo­zu gibt es POs?” and it will take place in room 1055N at the Uni­versi­ty of Augsburg.

Participation: Members of the Elite Network of Bavaria
Audience of a talk
Jun 2024
AI meets Immunology
A mini-sympo­sium will in­form stu­dents and facul­ty of the Elite Graduate Program "Integrated Immunology" about the latest ap­proaches to artifi­cial intel­li­gence and its appli­cation in im­muno­logi­cal re­search and data analy­sis. The guest speakers al­ready look for­ward to the curi­ous ques­tions from their audi­ence.

Participation: Students of the Elite Graduate Program "Integrated Immunology"
Announcement and Program of the Mini Symposium Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis
May 2024
20th Anniversary of the Elite Network of Bavaria
This year, the Elite Network of Bavaria is celebrating its 20th anniversary with a festive evening event in the Max-Joseph-Saal of the Munich Residence.

Participation: Invited guests only

Today we not only stream data, but also talents:|Live-Stream
Graphic with the lettering 20 years of Klug verbunden.
Apr 2024
Seminar Career Booster
This semi­nar takes a look be­hind the scenes of job re­cruit­ment. Stu­dents learn about the most im­portant de­cision-mak­ing pa­rame­ters for man­agers and how they can ac­tively influ­ence them, so that the rele­vant man­age­ment deci­sions are made in their fa­vour.

Participation: Members of the Elite Network of Bavaria
Studierende beim Lernen in einem Klassenzimmer
Apr 2024
Spring School MINT-Lehramt PLUS
This year's spring school of the Elite Graduate Pro­gram "MINT-Leh­ramt PLUS" will take place from 2 to 5 April 2024 at Banz Ab­bey. In addi­tion to sub­ject di­dactic and peda­gogi­cal con­tent, the acad­emy will also focus on get­ting to know each other and an inter­disci­pli­nary ex­change.

Participation: Students of the Elite Graduate Program "MINT-Lehramt PLUS"
Students visit the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Research Neutron Source (FRM II) in Munich. The old research reactor, the so-called "atomic egg", can be seen in the background.
Mar 2024
Workshop on Parallel Numerical Methods
The course dis­cusses topics in paral­lel pro­gramming using MPI and OpenMP. An appli­cation ex­ample will be the effi­cient paral­leliza­tion of an itera­tive solver and its per­for­mance analy­sis. Stu­dents are sup­port­ed throughout the course to use learn­ing by teach­ing tech­niques.

Participation: Elite Graduate Program "Scientific Computing"
A person sitting in a seminar classroom
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