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The EBE Summer Meeting

The EBE Sum­mer Meet­ing is a bi­ennial inter­na­tional con­fer­ence for young econ­omists from around the globe. It is orga­nized by the doc­toral stu­dents in the “Evi­dence Based Eco­nom­ics” pro­gram. The EBE Sum­mer Meet­ing 2018 host­ed young re­searchers from 25 inter­na­tional and na­tional uni­versi­ties who had the chance to meet two re­nowned key­note speakers: Leo­nardo Bur­sztyn from the Uni­versi­ty of Chi­cago and Dan­iele Nosenzo from the Uni­versi­ty of Not­ting­ham.

Young Economists talk research and enjoy Bavaria’s beauty.

Sur­rounded by the beau­ty and hospi­tality of Upper Ba­varia, the EBE Sum­mer Meet­ing 2018 of­fered its partic­ipants inter­esting presenta­tions about sta­te-of-the-art eco­nomic re­search and the op­por­tunity to get in touch with junior re­searchers from some of the top eco­nom­ics de­part­ments.

At the con­fer­ence center of the “Haus der Bayrischen Wirtschaft”, the young econ­omists pre­sent­ed their re­search pro­jects to their fellow doc­toral stu­dents and en­gaged in vivid and fruit­ful dis­cussions that spurred many new ideas. More than 60 young econ­omists from Uni­versi­ties in­clud­ing Ox­ford, LSE, Zur­ich, UCLA, Mu­nich, Bonn, Mannheim, RWI Essen and DIW Berlin at­tend­ed this EBE Sum­mer Meet­ing, which took place for the sec­ond time.

Daniele Nosenzo (Uni­versi­ty of Not­ting­ham) and Leo­nardo Bur­sztyn (Uni­versi­ty of Chi­cago), the two key­note speakers of the con­fer­ence, shared their exper­tise not only with their talks, but they also en­gaged in lively dis­cussions with the young re­searchers throughout the con­fer­ence. Moreover, a se­ries of talks and poster-ses­sions of­fered fur­ther op­por­tuni­ties to learn about a va­riety of inter­esting re­search pro­jects.

The third EBE Sum­mer Meet­ing will be held in 2020. It will once again host mem­ber of the doc­toral pro­gram and inter­na­tional guests who pre­sent and dis­cuss the new­est de­velopments in eco­nomic re­search.

Text: International Doctorate Program "Evidence-Based Economics“