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Ten mem­bers of the Elite Net­work at the Sum­mer Re­cep­tion of the Ba­varian State Par­lia­ment

Every year, the Presi­dent of the Ba­varian State Par­lia­ment in­vites more than 3,000 guests to the sum­mer recep­tion at Schleißheim New Pal­ace. High-ranking repre­senta­tives from poli­tics, cul­ture, church and sport were invit­ed to the sum­mer event, which is dedi­cated to Ba­varia's volun­teers. The Elite Net­work of Ba­varia was repre­sent­ed by ten partic­ipants.

After the musi­cal wel­come by the Schleißheimer Schlosspfeifer, a marching band founded in 1979 in the style of the infan­try regi­ment of the Elec­tor of 1805, the first guests gath­ered in the gar­den of Schleißheim New Palace - in be­tween the ar­tists "Barockdamen" of Dulce Com­pania, sever­al stilt-walkers in ba­roque garb.

In the sub­se­quent open­ing ad­dress, the Presi­dent of the State Par­lia­ment, Ilse Aign­er, paid trib­ute to the great volun­tary com­mit­ment by the citi­zens and, in addi­tion to point­ing out that the legis­lative period of the State Par­lia­ment was com­ing to an end, em­pha­sised the value of de­moc­racy and free­dom of speech.

A culi­nary cross-section of Ba­varia was pro­vided by the buf­fets, which of­fered speci­alities from the re­spec­tive ad­minis­trative dis­tricts. The Ba­varian State Or­ches­tra, which cele­brates its 500th anni­ver­sary in the year of the event, pro­vided the musi­cal ac­com­pani­ment for the evening.

This year, the partic­ipants of the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia were again unfor­tunately una­ble to snatch a prize at the Sternstund­en raffle, which is organ­ised for the bene­fit of "Kinder in Not". Nev­erthe­less, there was not only the suc­cess­ful fund­rais­ing event but also the sec­ond anni­ver­sary to cele­brate that even­ing: Sternstund­en cele­brates its 30th anni­ver­sary in 2023.

With so many occa­sions to re­joice - the anni­ver­saries and the great volun­tary work in Ba­varia - the even­ing was a natu­ral suc­cess. We thank the Ba­varian State Par­lia­ment for the op­por­tunity to partic­ipate!

Text: Axel Grimmeißen