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Elite Network of Bavaria welcomes new members

On 16 No­vem­ber 2021, the Coor­dina­tion Of­fice of the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia wel­comed all new mem­bers at the digi­tal Get To­gether 2021. Over 400 stu­dents and doc­toral stu­dents seized the chance to obtain de­tailed in­for­mation about the events and activ­ities of the net­work and to get to know each other in breakout-rooms.

A very warm Welcome!

In his wel­com­ing speech, the Ba­varian State Min­ister of Sci­ence and the Arts, Bernd Si­bler, pre­sent­ed the five fund­ing pro­grams of the inter­na­tional and inter­disci­pli­nary net­work. More than 3500 active mem­bers and about 7500 alum­ni of the Max We­ber Pro­gram, the Mari­an­ne-Plehn-Pro­gramm, cur­rently 31 Elite Grad­uate Pro­grams, ten Inter­na­tional Doc­torate Pro­grams and eight Inter­na­tional Junior Re­search Groups ben­efit from a lively and bene­ficial ex­change across disci­plines and fund­ing pro­grams.

A diverse network

Differ­ent mem­bers and alum­ni of the net­work pro­vided an inter­esting in­sight into vari­ous net­work­ing of­fers. Their short video clips pre­sent­ed the Lindau No­bel Lau­reate Meet­ing, the Euro­Sci­ence Open Fo­rum, the annu­al soc­cer tour­nament ‘EliteCup’ and the Grad­uation Cer­emony as well as events of the Akademie für politische Bild­ung in Tutz­ing and Soft Skill Sem­in­ars.

In the sec­ond part of the even­ing, all new mem­bers had the chance to get to know each other in over 35 breakout-rooms.

Text: Elite Network of Bavaria