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Summer School in Munich

Dur­ing two days full of excur­sions, teach­er trainees took a close look at places like the Deutsches Mu­seum and the Garching re­search cam­pus. The focus of inter­est was: What can stu­dents learn here? Mar­tin Kra­mer made it pos­sible to expe­rience how he ima­gines teach­ing as an ad­ven­ture, and Ve­ronika Ertl led exer­cises in active listen­ing in con­flict situa­tions.

Large excursion program

The stu­dents of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram “MINT-Leh­ramt PLUS” were able to expe­rience for them­selves that math­emat­ics can be grabbed at the ix-Quadrat math exhi­bition at the TU Mu­nich. All partic­ipants en­thusi­as­tically helped to build the dome made of wooden rods, which of course got stuck when a hep­tagon was used in­stead of a hexa­gon. This is also fun for schoolchil­dren - eve­ryone agreed on that. But what can be learned from it math­emat­ically? How should a visit with a school class be pre­pared and fol­lowed up? What dif­fer­ence does it make to slide down the pa­rabola and expe­rience it in 3D?

Fur­ther sam­ples of what is on offer for school clas­ses at the Garching Re­search Cam­pus were pro­vided by Extra­terres­trial Phys­ics and the Max Planck In­stitute of Quan­tum Op­tics. Dur­ing a visit to the Re­search Neu­tron Source II, the pro­spec­tive teach­ers were also able to learn about actual re­search in Garching. Those inter­ested in biolo­gy also got their mon­ey's worth at the Mu­seum Mensch und Natur and the Zool­ogische Staatssammlung. 

Irina Fritz, who is re­spon­sible for muse­um edu­cation at the Deutsches Mu­seum, gave an over­view tour of the op­por­tuni­ties and limita­tions of a visit with school clas­ses. Again and again, the partic­ipants got stuck in the vari­ous exhi­bi­tions and would have liked to spend more time ex­plor­ing on their own. There was more op­por­tunity for this in the after­noon. Using the app "Ac­tion­bounds," stu­dents went in small groups to find the an­swers. Would this be an option for a visit with your own study group?

Exciting workshops

The excur­sion pro­gram was com­ple­ment­ed by two work­shops at the con­fer­ence hotel. School psy­chologist Ve­ronika Ertl pre­sent­ed prin­ciples of con­flict man­age­ment and led prac­tical exer­cises on how to con­duct prob­lemat­ic parent dis­cussions, which, as one stu­dent ad­mit­ted, turned out to be not so easy.

Mar­tin Kra­mer pro­vided an in­sight into his teach­ing prac­tice, which is main­ly sup­port­ed by the stu­dents, by work­ing out linear equa­tions with matchsticks and boxes. The stu­dents thus learned from direct expe­rience how stu­dent orien­tation and teamwork can suc­ceed. They will cer­tainly keep in mind what it means to speak only when eve­ryone is listen­ing.

Text: Sara Feldmüller, Elite Graduate Program “MINT-Lehramt PLUS“