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Study week in South Tyrol

Every year the students of "Physics Advanced" travel to South Tyrol to study a topic that is different from what is considered in their usual courses. In September 2018 they engaged in the opportunities and risks of Artificial Intelligence.

A topic not considered in regular physics courses

A topic that is usually not considered in the usual physics courses at the university should be selected as topic for the study weeks. In 2018 the students of the Elite Graduate Program “Physic Advanced” chose the topic Artificial Intelligence. Therefore, invited specialists in this field introduced the students to a wide range of systems that included, e.g., autonomous driving, assistance robots, and robots in agriculture.

The field of ma­chine learn­ing and its appli­cati­ons was intro­duced by Dr. Lars Kunze from Ox­ford Uni­versi­ty. Prof. Joa­chim Hertz­berg of the Uni­versi­ty of Osna­brück talked about robot­ics. Fur­ther­more, Prof. Kai-Uwe Kühnber­ger, who is also from Osna­brück, taught about data analy­sis for medi­cal appli­cati­ons as well as the con­se­quences of artifi­cial in-tel­li­gence for socie­ty.

But also the stu­dents had to con­trib­ute. Chal­lenged by open prob­lems they worked in small groups on pro­grams of neural net­works, on prob­lems con­cern­ing se­man­tic map­pings in robot­ics, as well as on ques­tions about data secu­rity and pro­tec­tion.

Discussions within a beautiful surrounding

Interesting questions arose in connection with the opportunities and risks of artificial intelligence. They led to a lot of intense discussions, which either took place during plenary meetings or in small groups. For sure, the topics and questions of this study week will occupy the students for a long time after the actual study week.

Not only the invit­ed ex­perts and the in­tense work in small groups con­tributed to the fan­tastic at­mosphere of the study week. The beau­tiful sur­rounding of the loca­tion where the study week took place, the vil­lage of Tramin in South Tyrol, was of great im­portance for the suc­cess of this event. The stu­dents even could enjoy the beau­ty of the nature dur­ing a visit of the Bletterbach gorge that is an UNESCO World Herit­age site.

Text: Elite Graduate Program "Physics with integrated doctorate program"