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Stu­dents of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram ”Ba­varian Grad­uate School of Com­puta­tional Engi­neer­ing" (BGCE) attend inter­disci­pli­nary courses of Ferienakad­emie each year. This sum­mer school takes pace in South Tyrol and is or­gan­ised by the Tech­nical Uni­versi­ty of Mu­nich, by FAU Er­langen-Nu­rem­berg and by the Uni­versi­ty of Stuttgart. The broad pro­gram of Ferienakad­emie is a per­fect fit for BGCE’s inter­disci­pli­nary cur­ricu­lum.

The Concept of Ferienakademie

The Ferienakad­emie has been or­gan­ised since 1984. The con­cept is simi­lar to the sum­mer acadamies of the Studienstif­tung des deutschen Volkes and is – as tells the name – a com­bi­nation of holi­days and acad­emy: Ex­cel­lent and highly moti­vated stu­dents shall be given the op­por­tunity to get in con­tact with both inter­esting re­search topics and their fellow stu­dents and pro­fes­sors across loca­tions and disci­plines. The Sarntal val­ley north of Bol­zano in South Tyrol has prov­en to be a loyal host for Ferienakad­emie and pro­vides per­fect condi­tions in an idyl­lic envi­ron­ment.

In 2022 – as in previ­ous years – Ferienakad­emie also of­fered an interest­ing pro­gram. Par­tici­pants of Ferienakad­emie come from vary­ing disci­plines and from three dif­ferent uni­versi­ty loca­tions: Mu­nich, Er­langen and Stuttgart. Ex­actly this mix­ture ren­ders courses so inter­esting be­cause each loca­tion has a dif­ferent focus and, thus, en­riches the per­cep­tion of the same prob­lem.

Experiences in 2022

Each year, there are typi­cally three courses of Ferienakad­emie that focus on com­puta­tional simu­la­tions of phe­nomena of Phys­ics or Engi­neer­ing Sci­ences; such simu­la­tions are the core topics of BGCE. In 2022, these courses were:

• Course 4: Deep Learning in Computational Science and Engineering
• Course 5: Let's play! Simulated Physics for Games
• Course 9: Computational Medical Imaging

In au­tumn 2023, there will again be an inter­esting pro­gram avail­able at Ferienakad­emie. The or­ganis­ers and lec­turers are al­ready look­ing for­ward to the di­verse field of par­tici­pants and expe­rienc­es.

Text: Tobi­as Neck­el, Coor­dina­tor of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram "Ba­varian Grad­uate School of Com­puta­tional Engi­neer­ing"