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Start of the new semester on Jochberg

In Octo­ber, 40 new stu­dents from all around the world start­ed in the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram "The­oreti­cal and Math­emat­ical Phys­ics". To get to know each other, they met to mount the Jochberg before an­other se­mes­ter is shaped by the Covid-19 pan­dem­ic.

View at Walchensee and alpine upland

In times of the pan­dem­ic, key ele­ments to stu­dent life likegetting to­gether after lec­tures or a night out at the bar can­not take place as lec­tures are held in virtual spaces in the inter­net. In the winter se­mes­ter 2021/22 we hopedto be back to nor­mal main­ly thanks to the gen­eral avail­ability of vac­cines.At least, we could start the se­mes­ter­with a joint hike of the stu­dents of theEl­ite Grad­uate Pro­gramm "Theoretical and Mathematical Physics" (TMP) to Jochberg. Freshmen and senior stu­dents of the pro­gram could get to know each other and ex­change ide­as while mounting one of Mu­nich’s "Hausberge". The Jochberg is a local favor­ite thanks to the views it of­fers over Wal­chen­see and the alpine up­land.

The stu­dentswere joint by Pro­fessor Jan von Delft, the spokesper­son of the pro­gram, and study coor­dina­tor Rob­ert Helling. This wayremain­ing ques­tions on the pro­gram, e.g. which clas­ses to take orhow to organ­ise the se­mes­ter, could be an­swered along the way.

What could not be ex­pec­ted on this day was that in the fol­low­ing week, the first partic­ipants would al­ready be quar­antined and due to rising num­bers of infec­tions, most clas­ses had to return to online teach­ing. But at least, the partic­ipants can now asso­ciate faces of fellow moun­taineers to their names on Zoom tiles dur­ing lec­tures.

Text: Robert Helling, Elite Graduate Program "Theoretical und Mathematical Physics"