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Eastern Europe, a 'Simpl' Explanation

The six­teenth cohort of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram "Cultural Studies of the Middle East" at LMU Mu­nich and the Uni­versi­ty of Re­gens­burg exam­ined the image of East­ern Eu­rope in the Mu­nich satiri­cal maga­zine Sim­plicis­simus in their pro­ject course. The results were pre­sent­ed in an online event and dis­cuss­ed with ex­perts from vari­ous disci­plines.

Eastern Europe in Simplicissimus

Russian bears, Polish lice and Serbi­an rats – such crea­tures popu­lated the pages of the Mu­nich satiri­cal maga­zine Sim­plicis­simus when it dealt with East­ern Eu­rope. But the por­trayal of East­ern Eu­rope was not lim­ited to ani­mal sym­bolism; it also in­clud­ed stere­otypes such as the "Polish econ­omy".

Near­ly 125 years after Sim­plicis­simus was founded, the stu­dents took a look at the image of East­ern Eu­rope in the fa­mous satiri­cal maga­zine. Led by the histo­rians Dr. Darina Volf (LMU) and Dr. Tobi­as We­ger (IKGS), the stu­dents of the Elite Graduate Program "East European Studies" exam­ined the histo­ry of Sim­plicis­simus, as well as the di­verse and com­plex events in East­ern Eu­rope that took place dur­ing the maga­zine's exist­ence (1896–1944).

The theo­retic framework of imagology and stere­otype re­search was key to the stu­dents’ re­search ap­proach. In addi­tion to work­ing on the con­tent, the stu­dents also unex­pectedly had to mas­ter the new online work­ing envi­ron­ment.

Thematic dossier and online event

The stu­dents' work was pub­lished in the the­matic dossi­er "East­ern Eu­rope, a 'Simpl' Ex­plana­tion" on the re­search portal Os­mikon of the Ba­varian State Li­brary. The con­tribu­tions focus pri­marily on stere­otypi­cal repre­senta­tions of East­ern Eu­rope in Sim­plicis­simus over the half-century of the maga­zine’s exist­ence. In doing so, they not only invite the reader on a jour­ney into the past. At many points, the texts also beg the ques­tion whether these stere­otypes are just relics of days gone by or whether they are still an­chored in our minds.

On No­vem­ber 27, 2020, the stu­dents pre­sent­ed the results of their work. In the online event, which two mem­bers of the cohort mod­er­ated, ex­perts from vari­ous disci­plines dis­cuss­ed Sim­plicis­simus, its por­trayal of East­ern Eu­rope, and the extent to which stere­otypes about East­ern Eu­rope are still alive in to­day's socie­ty.


Link to the theme portal

Link to the recording of the online event

Text: Sixteenth cohort of the Elite Graduate Program "Cultural Studies of the Middle East"