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Master's degree and then?

As part of the intro­duc­tory week of the elite mas­ter's pro­gram “Bi­omedical Neu­rosci­ence”, a ca­reer day on the topic of “Ca­reer Paths in Neu­rosci­ence” took place under the mot­to: Indus­try as a ca­reer objec­tive. Due to Coro­na, the whole event was hold online this year. The invit­ed speakers were from dif­ferent com­pa­nies in the pharmaceutical and life sci­ence indus­tries and at dif­ferent stages in their ca­reers lad­der. They pre­sent­ed their indi­vidual ca­reers to the stu­dents and gave them help­ful ad­vice on plan­ning a career in indus­try.

Every career is very individual!

At the beginning of the event, Prof. Dr. Thomas Misgeld, spokesman for the Elite Graduate Program "Biomedical Neuroscience", spoke on the im­portance of a PhD for a later pro­fes­sional ca­reer. He also pre­sent­ed the vari­ous PhD pro­grams for natu­ral scien­tists at the Fac­ulty of Med­icine of the Tech­nical Uni­versi­ty Mu­nich.

The first speaker of the event was from a big pharma com­pany. Prof. Dr. Car­sten Wot­jak, direc­tor of the re­search de­part­ment at Boehringer Ingel­heim Pharma, pre­sent­ed his ca­reer, from uni­versi­ty to the Max Planck In­stitute for Psy­chia­try up to his cur­rent posi­tion. The next speaker, Dr. Laura Trovo worked a while as a post­doc at the Insti­tute for Cell Biol­ogy of the Nerv­ous Sys­tem at the Tech­nical Uni­versi­ty of Mu­nich and is now work­ing in the "Re­search & De­velopment" de­part­ment at Nes­tle in Lau­sanne. An­other guest from Big Pharma, Dr. Ulf Neu­mann came from No­vartis Pharma in Basel. He re­port­ed on his eve­ryday work in a big com­pany, in pre­clini­cal re­search in the field of Alz­hei­mer's dis­ease. Final­ly, Dr. Peter En­gerer, who used to be a doc­toral stu­dent at the Insti­tute for Cell Biol­ogy of the Nerv­ous Sys­tem, re­port­ed on his cur­rent work at Leica Mi­crosystems in Mannheim. As a prod­uct man­ager, he is re­spon­sible for the soft­ware of com­plex mi­cro­scope sys­tems. After the presenta­tions all speakers were avail­able to an­swer ques­tions.

The day ended with a lec­ture by Dr. Jakub Radzikow­ski from Impe­rial Col­lege in Lon­don. His ex­traor­di­nary career cul­min­ated, after sev­eral uni­versi­ty sta­tions and a train­ing as a top chef, in the de­velopment of inno­vative teach­ing con­cepts for stu­dents. It is about teach­ing the basics of sci­ence by cook­ing. He calls his con­cept: "Chemical Kitchen". His presenta­tion was the intro­duc­tion to a joint event that took place the next day.

Text: Dr. Silke Herzer and Prof. Helmuth Adelsberger of the Elite Graduate Program „Biomedical Neuroscience“