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Elite Network of Bavaria Seminar

With the semi­nar, the ex­clu­sive sup­port offers of the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia were ex­tend­ed to the school sec­tor. High­ly gifted high school stu­dents can par­tici­pate in se­lected soft skill semi­nars of the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia.

An innovative cooperation

Select­ed stu­dents from the clas­ses for the high­ly gifted have now ac­cess to the high-end soft skill se­mi­nars of the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia due to a co­op­era­tion be­tween the State Min­istry of Edu­cation and the State Min­istry of Sci­ence and the Arts. In Ba­varia, the fol­low­ing high schools have corre­sponding clas­ses for the high­ly gift­ed:

  • Gymnasium bei St. Stephan Augsburg
  • Markgräfin-Wil­helmine-Gymnasi­um Bay­reuth
  • Come­nius-Gymnasium Deg­gen­dorf
  • Otto-von-Taube-Gym­nasi­um Gaut­ing
  • Mari­a-The­resi­a-Gym­nasi­um Mün­chen
  • Dürer-Gymnasium Nürn­berg
  • Kep­ler-Gymna­sium Wei­den
  • Deutschhaus-Gym­nasi­um Würzburg
  • Lise-Meit­ner-Gymna­sium Un­ter­haching

The par­tici­pating twelfth-grade stu­dents were pro­vided with a wide range of offers to train their "soft skills". The indi­vidual courses were led by pro­fes­sional train­ers of PRO­FiL, an insti­tution of the Lud­wig-Maximil­ians-Univer­sität in Mu­nich and coop­era­tion part­ner of the Elite Net­work of Ba­varia. For more in­for­mation on gifted clas­ses and their spe­cial sup­port op­por­tuni­ties, please visit the web­site of the State Min­istry of Edu­cati­on.

An unparalleled experience

Every year, among oth­ers, a group of stu­dents from the Ot­to-von-Taub­e-Gym­nasi­um Gaut­ing (OvTG) can also bene­fit from the great offers of the semi­nar.

With great pleasure, 22 stu­dents of the 12th grade at the OvTG re­ceived their certif­icates for the par­tici­pation in the three-day Elite Net­work Sem­inar from the hands of their prin­cipal Ms Wischnev­sky. Due to the pan­dem­ic, this time the semi­nar was not held in per­son, but online.

Dur­ing the semi­nar, the stu­dents took part in train­ing blocks on, for ex­am­ple, com­muni­cation and con­versa­tion tech­niques, time and self-management, as well as presenta­tion tech­niques. The par­tici­pants re­port­ed en­thusi­as­tical­ly on the very inter­esting and in­struc­tive event.

Text: Coor­dina­tion office of the Elite Net­work of Ba­var­ia

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