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MAP – interdisciplinary & international

The Eng­lish-taught Elite Mas­ter’s Pro­gram “Ad­vanced Ma­terials and Pro­cess­es” (MAP) is not only inter­disci­pli­nary - com­bining Mate­rials Sci­ence and Engi­neer­ing with Chemical and Bio­logi­cal Engi­neer­ing, but also very inter­na­tional, at­tract­ing stu­dents from all over the world. Once a year, MAP cele­brates the diver­sity by an inter­cul­tural din­ner. In 2019, it was com­bined with the MAP alum­ni round table dis­cussion.

Introduction of a career path after MAP

The Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram "Advanced Materials and Processes" has exist­ed since 2005 and many MAP alum­ni have al­ready reached im­portant posi­tions in re­search and indus­try. MAP as­pires to offer direct con­tact be­tween its alum­ni and the cur­rent stu­dents. Such meet­ings are im­portant to help stu­dents to un­der­stand stra­tegi­cal steps for their future career and to estab­lish per­sonal rela­tion­ships with repre­senta­tives of re­search and indus­try.

On 29 April 2019, MAP set up the first MAP alum­ni round table. MAP stu­dents and lec­turers as well as FAU stu­dents inter­ested in choosing MAP as a future mas­ter’s pro­gram were invit­ed.

Celebrating international diversity

Follow­ing the round table dis­cussion was a cel­ebra­tion of MAP’s di­versi­ty and inter­na­tional­ity. MAP sec­ond se­mes­ter stu­dents pre­pared 15 tradi­tional dishes from their coun­tries and re­gions of origin and intro­duced each of them to the guests. The coun­tries repre­sent­ed were Bang­ladesh, Chi­na, Ger­many, India, Italy, Mol­dova, Mon­golia, Nige­ria, Paki­stan, Po­land, Tai­wan, Tur­key, USA, and Yem­en. All partic­ipants agreed that it was im­possi­ble to choose a favor­ite since all the dishes were deli­cious and pre­pared with a lot of effort. Some stu­dents even wore their tradi­tional clothes in order to make the whole event even more attrac­tive.

MAP con­clud­ed that the event was not only a great chance to cele­brate the diver­sity of tradi­tional cui­sines from all over the world, but it also served for a deep­er ap­preci­ation of the varie­ty of cul­tures and tradi­tions repre­sent­ed in the MAP pro­gram.

Text: Dor­othea Her­get, Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram“Ad­vanced Ma­terials and Pro­cess­es”