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Agile Transformation and Large Projects

Large pro­jects have al­ways been chal­leng­ing. And things will not get easier: Scrum as the most popu­lar agile meth­od breaks with tradi­tional con­cepts of man­age­ment, does not pro­vide solu­tions for scal­ing and was not in­vent­ed for pro­ject work. Nev­erthe­less, a large wave of agile trans­for­mations rolls through the IT indus­try and its busi­ness. What does this mean for IT ser­vice pro­vides and their cus­tomers? For coop­era­tion and con­tract de­sign? Which an­swers do frameworks like LeSS and SAFe offer?

Guest lecture in the Elite Program’s special lecture series

As part of a spe­cial lec­ture series of the Elite Grad­uate Pro­gram "Software Engineering" Mr. Ger­hard Pril­meier from Capgemini, on Janu­ary 24, 2019 gave a lec­ture on the chal­lenges of using agile meth­ods in large-scale soft­ware de­velopment pro­jects. Start­ing from a def­inition of large pro­jects and the cur­rently exist­ing ap­proaches for scal­ing agile meth­ods Mr. Pril­meier pre­sent­ed empir­ically prov­en adap­ta­tions. Some par­ticular ques­tions con­cern the role of Prod­uct Own­er, the team com­posi­tion and the inter­ac­tions with roles and tech­niques of tradi­tional pro­ject man­age­ment as well as con­tract de­sign. In an in­tense inter­active dis­cussion, Mr. Pril­meier an­swered many ques­tions from the stu­dents and illus­trated the ad­van­tages as well as the limits of apply­ing agile meth­ods in large pro­jects.

Text: Elite Graduate Program "Software Engineering“